
Gina Joy Carano has been an MMA fighter for more than a decade. She's an actress also a fitness model as well as an ex mixed fighter. She started her career as an Muay Thai fighter, and then became The Face of Women's MMA. Her Muay Thai record is amazing 12 wins, and only one defeat. She is also the first American woman to win an award at the national level in Thailand in Muay Thai. As a child she took ballet jazz tap and gymnastics. Also, she excelled in softball, volleyball, and basketball. Jiujitsu and wrestling are the other sports she is skilled in. Seven wins and one defeat make up her MMA career. She is a huge MMA celebrity, she became popular due to her powerful of the ring, as well as attractiveness. She's appeared as an actor in Hollywood blockbusters, including Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' as well as other Hollywood smashes. Her work was frequently criticised because of her sexy appeal. The harshest criticisms didn't dampen her enthusiasm and fans continued showering her love. She's an inspiration for many due to her undeniable talent strong character and determination.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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